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segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010

Passover and the Christian - The True Meaning of Easter

Basic text: Exodus 12:2-13

Passover in Hebrew and Passover, which means pass or go over. And this idea is implicit in the verses that endorse the party in this 12.11,23,27 Ex. The Passover was celebrated with the death of a lamb on the 14th of Abib (cf. Êx13.4). Abib means green ears and corresponds to the first month of the Hebrew calendar. While in exile, this name was replaced by the name of the Babylonian Nisan, which means, first, openness. In our calendar this month corresponding to March-April. In this study, we will study about the meaning of Easter.

Meaning of Easter

Modern man, in his many occupations, has forgotten the deep meaning of the feast of Easter. Because, the secular version of that date is just business and not religious. I shall explain here some meanings that the passover is within the context of Scripture.

First, Passover means liberation. Easter comes as the party that marked the end of the oppression of Pharaoh on enslaving the Hebrews. The prophecy revealed to Abraham that his descendants would be in the grip of a strange land for 400 years, but then they would be freed and would go out with great wealth (cf. Gn 15: 13.14). And this in fact occurred, but not before this feast was celebrated. And a small detail, if this party was the party of liberation, because then it was held before the release itself?

Because God wanted to teach that the atonement, faith and our obedience prior to full release, after all, Israel was not being libretto only Pharaoh, but also the destroying angel. And this implies that spiritual freedom always precedes the physical. If the lamb's blood was not shed and sprinkled on the doorposts of the house, the people of Israel have been destroyed by the Angel. The release of the Passover is important, therefore, an introspective character, show the need for personal liberation through the replacement. And a prospective character, because he prophesied the release before it happens and foreshadowed the work of Christ.

In this sense, Easter should be celebrated by us with profound reverence, after all, Christ was our Passover. His life was made the lamb that was killed shed his blood for many. Our full spiritual liberation was conquered by Christ, our Passover. John the Baptist called the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (cf. Jn 1:29). Paul said that he is our Passover (1 Cor 5.7), and he even promised to release all those who believe in him (cf. Jn 8.32,36 and Mt 11:28).

Accept the sacrifice Jesus made for us as the Scripture says, is to eat the passover, and be in the path of spiritual liberation. The Passover freed them from slavery, oppression, misery and your sins before God. This release points to the beginning of a new life, free from all its terrors and oppression.

Secondly, Easter also means saving the family. "... The tenth of this month to take each one for himself a lamb for every house ..." (Exodus 12:3). Notice that God's promise was that through the sacrifice of a lamb every house was saved from the destroyer. Pharaoh had said to the Jewish people that they could go, but without their children (cf. Ex 10:8-11) and in this we can understand the will of the devil as our families. If you are a servant of God whose life he had already released, Satan will try to engage their children. And Easter brings up the fact that the work of Jesus was sufficient to grant release also our family. The Lord on this occasion I want to awaken the commitment that you, father and mother have before Him to his family.

And lastly, Easter has deep meaning for Christians to represent the work of Christ for our redemption. I had said that the parties were "shadows of things to come" (Col 2:17), that is what they were typical, such as the Passover one day become history was the incarnation of the Lord. And Easter was just a foretaste of the figurative work of Jesus at Calvary. Now observe some similarities between the Passover lamb and Christ our Passover.


The Passover lamb was separated on the tenth day of Abib (April) and examined in detail before his sacrifice on the 14th of Abib, because the lamb had to be "... immaculate."

When Luke records the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem just days before the crucifixion, it does exactly the time when the people were bringing their lambs Easter to be examined by the priests. According to Hebrews 7: 26 Jesus had to be declared "... Holy, blameless, undefiled, and inviolate for sinners."

Examination of the priests

The Passover lamb was subjected to an examination by the priests who believed, based on examination of its perfection, ready to be sacrificed. When we read the account of Matthew 22 verse 15 to 46 we find Jesus, the Lamb of God, being reviewed by the Herodians, Sadducees, scribes and Pharisees, and none of them could find no fault in him that the incriminating and that they were unable to answer you any word (cf. Mt 22:46).

Survey done by the civil

In John 18:12, 28 we find Jesus being arrested and taken to court in the house of Caiaphas, and as it was during the Passover, the Jews could not enter the court not to contaminate, for if they would not be able to eat the Passover. At that time also, the Passover lambs also being examined.

And Caiaphas wanted to give evidence to Pilate, but not found, so instead of presenting offense, said only that if he were not the offender would not be communicated (cf. Jn 18:29). Pilate, in turn, after examining Jesus, "... not found in him ..." (Jn 19.4). And with these words, the legal and civil verdict was given and three times Pilate said that Jesus was innocent (cf. Jn 18: 28, 19: 4, 6).

The law said that the lamb would have to be without blemish, but he could not be sacrificed to the Lord (cf. Deut 15:21). Jesus was found without blemish before all after thorough examination and then was crucified.

Considering that the sacrifice of the paschal lamb, was sufficient to justify the Hebrews before the destroyer, the sacrifice of Christ was also sufficient to justify man before God satisfying the divine justice.

Application Easter

The Easter is celebrated as the world, does not bring any benefit, but when we understand that Christ is our Passover, so it's time to push out of ideas and related practices, many important lessons.

First we learn that Christ is our Passover, it makes sense to celebrate with eggs or bunnies, either with sacrifice of animals, but through the sacrament commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord's Supper.

"He said to them, desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer: for I say unto you shall not eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God and he took the cup, gave thanks and said, Take this , and divide it among yourselves: for I say to you I will not drink the fruit of the vine until the coming of the kingdom of God, and took bread and gave thanks, broke it and gave it to them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Similarly, he took the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is shed for you. " (LC 22: 15 - 20).

In this episode, which occurred shortly before the arrest and death of Jesus, he introduces naturally the Supper as a substitute for Passover feast of the Old Testament. Looking at this course, the Lord has not finished the Passover meal before instituting the supper, before supper is closely linked to the Passover meal. The bread was eaten with the Passover lamb was devoted to a new use for the Lord and the third cup, which was called the cup of blessing, was used as second element in the supper. Thus we see that the Passover was replaced by Jesus for supper.

Furthermore, the sacrifices Pascoais had symbolic and pointed to Christ who was to be presented in our place as a sacrifice. When this was about to be killed and fulfilling the scriptures, and all they sacrifice Pascoais foretold centuries ago, there was a need to change the symbol and type. After all, should we continue to eat lamb? Should we eat the flesh of Christ He is our Passover lamb? E callus not.

But how then to celebrate this memorable act done by Christ except through the party that he instituted the Lord's Supper?

We noted further that at the time of Passover and supper, we should reflect on such a great release that Christ our Passover has given us.

We must never forget the meaning of Passover and is this what Jesus taught us to sup with the following admonition, "... do this ... in remembrance of me ...".

The memory of this event allows us to enjoy the assurance of deliverance from sin, death and misery in which we were, and allows us to look to the future with hope because we had supper every time we announce the death of the Lord until he comes (cf. 1 Cor 11:26). Our celebration of the supper, so how was the first celebration of Passover by the Jews, foretells that Christ turns to get rid of the oppression of this world. We are announcing that he had seen us from this world of troubles and that while he does not come, we are protected from the effect of destroying angel of his blood that sprayed on his church.

On each occasion like this we should meditate on the power of the Blood of Jesus.

We learned three things in relation to the blood of the Lamb of God
1. The blood will always be the instrument of moral and spiritual liberation.
2. Are protected by the blood of the Destroyer.
3. By the blood of Jesus frees us to keep our family in this world.

I could not finish this article without mentioning the issue of the use of symbols like the Easter egg and bunny significant as representatives of the Passover, for this look:

The egg and the Easter bunny

Over the time many festivals and traditions of different people ended up merging with the secular Passover currently know. In Eastern religions, in Greek mythology, in folk traditions, the egg has always meant the beginning of life. The egg contains a seemingly dead life that arises suddenly, it is believed by this, he is the symbol of the Easter resurrection.

Another fact is that after Lent and Holy Week, eating eggs was a convenient and nutritious for the preparation of the passover. Although there is disagreement about the Easter eggs come from ancient Egypt, for example, for some decorated eggs was a tradition started in the Middle Ages. Centuries before, however, the Chinese have used to color eggs that were distributed to friends in the Spring Festival, as a reminder of the continued renewal of life.

For historians, then the missionaries brought the custom that turned the eggs confectionery. In the eighteenth century, the Catholic Church officially adopted the egg as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. So accepted was originally a pagan custom, and piles of colored eggs began to be blessed before distribution among the faithful.

The legends and stories about the rabbits appeared much later around 1215 in Alaska, France. A mixture of pagan mythology, where rabbits were symbols of fertility and abundance, with the Catholic tradition. The very meaning of the eggs as a symbol of life is lost to history, but until now chocolate eggs are sold under the propaganda of a rabbit.

Nowadays chocolate eggs and chocolate bunnies are a favorite of kids, but it is important to remember that these things have nothing to do with the real meaning of Easter. Nor are these elements present in the Passover or Lord's Supper, so that if we buy chocolate eggs, let's do it like other people buy chocolate with reverence and not Easter, that the introduction of both the egg and the rabbit in this date and origin and has not Christian.

That to date, after this single exposure we did on Easter, try to think the real significance of this feast for us, applying the lessons this theme suggests in his life, so you enjoy the privilege of genuine liberation through Christ our Passover lamb

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